Yoga poses and exercises are highly beneficial for managing the symptoms of anorectal conditions like piles or fissures. By incorporating yoga into your routine, you can alleviate pain and discomfort while promoting overall well-being. Here are some of the best yoga poses and exercises specifically targeted at managing piles:
Yoga Good for Piles?
Yoga offers numerous benefits for
individuals of all ages. It helps improve flexibility, stamina, strength, and
mental focus, making it an ideal practice for preventing and managing piles
Best Yoga Poses for
Piles (Hemorrhoids):
Malasana (Garland Pose): Malasana aids in
restoring digestive function and managing constipation, a common trigger for
To perform:
Stand with legs apart and squat slowly without bending forward.
Keep the spine straight and squat lower while folding hands in a Namaste
Hold the pose for 4 minutes and gradually lower your buttocks to the floor.
Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose):
This pose helps relieve gas from the intestines and strengthens abdominal
To perform:
Lie down with arms at your sides and knees bent.
Bring knees close to the stomach and hold them with both arms.
Lift your back while breathing steadily and hold for 3-4 minutes.
Balasana (Child’s Pose): Balasana promotes blood
circulation and calms the mind, reducing hemorrhoid size.
To perform:
Sit on your heels and bend forward with arms alongside or stretched in front.
Gently press your chest on the thighs while breathing deeply.
Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose): This
pose relieves abdominal tension and supplies oxygen to the anal area.
Lie on your back near a wall and lift legs up until hips touch the wall.
Keep breathing steadily and hold for 5 minutes.
Mulabandhasana (Root Lock Pose): Mulabandhasana
aids in healing affected areas due to piles and strengthens pelvic muscles.
To perform:
Sit with knees folded beneath the body, spread knees apart, and place hands on
Contract and release pelvic muscles while focusing on breathing.
Exercises for Piles:
Strong pelvic floor muscles are crucial
for bowel movement and preventing straining. Here’s how to do pelvic floor
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Tighten pelvic floor muscles as if preventing passing gas and hold for 5
Release and relax for 5 seconds, then repeat 10 times for up to 3 sets.
Exercises for Piles:
Kegel exercises strengthen pelvic floor
muscles, providing better support for pelvic organs and relieving symptoms
associated with piles. To perform:
Tighten pelvic floor muscles as if preventing passing gas and hold for 5
Release and relax for 5 seconds, then repeat for 10 repetitions daily.
Incorporating these yoga poses and exercises into your routine can effectively manage pilessymptoms. However, if symptoms persist, consult a proctologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
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